Tuesday 8 May 2018

do i need a plan

As you will know if you have been reading my blog I have been trying to up my word count for my blog post . Well so far I have been hitting the targets I set for myself but I must admit it has been a bit of an uphill struggle. Like climbing mount Everest wearing nothing but a barb-wire thong. so I don't know just how long I will be able to stay on track

I think something that may help is with keeping my word count climbing is if I can pay more attention to the format of my blog post. This is something I have tried in the past but I quickly slip back into my old ways. The basic format is this

  • the first paragraph: introduction I witch wrights about what I have already done to get people up to date (that was the last paragraph)
  • the second paragraph: main body I witch I talk about what I am currently working on (that's this paragraph) 
  • the third paragraph: the conclusion where I sum things up for my readers and talk about any future plans I may have (that's the next paragraph)
  •  and maybe a forth paragraph: any other business if I have any thing else to add like a new YouTube video to share

so in conclusion that is the template i am going to be using to build my blog posts going forward and for today latest it has help me hit my word target. But I think I may need to find some more strategies to help me get to my end 1140 word goal 

and do not forget today is new video day so here it is 

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